For Night Photos, Use Your Headlights (Day 19 of 31)
All kinds of lights can give your photos interesting effects at twilight or in the dark; car headlights, which are intense and directed, can be especially effective. You can use them to create mysterious, fairy tale-like effects, because they can brightly light one patch while darkness seems to press in from all around it.
It’s a fun activity to fool around with when you’ve got some extra time. (The long evenings of autumn and winter are a great time to try this; and frost and fog, combined with the strong light, can give you even more interesting possibilities to explore.) Check out the differences between how your high beams and low beams look.
My backyard includes a small hill, about a five-foot rise, with trees at the top, and I’ve gotten some intriguing shots by parking the car so that the headlights shine up into the wooded area.
Just don’t, whatever you do, lose track of time and let your battery run down. (Been there.)
(For the month of October 2017, I’m participating in the 31 Days bloggers’ challenge. You can find out about it here, and check out the interesting work other bloggers are posting.)