Holiday Decorations Make Great Photos (Day 31 of 31)
Happy Halloween! It’s the last day of October. I’ve really enjoyed connecting with people this month during the 31 Days writing challenge. It’s been rewarding to participate in this project. I always find that I learn so much just by doing; I’m sure that’s true for you, as well.
Wrapping up this month on Halloween leads me to suggest documenting how your family participates in days like this one; get some close-ups of your candy dish, for example, or your decorated windows. If you have children in your life—kids of your own, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, or your neighbours’ and friends’ kids—you’ll enjoy getting a few shots that show their moods. Keep in mind that those aren’t always joy and delight; we can get great shots on holidays show kids while they’re bored, crabby, arguing, or whatever. Even if you’re too worn-out to enjoy those pictures now, in five or ten years you’re likely to treasure them.
Finally, I find it helpful to remember what a fleeting season fall is (at least in eastern Canada, where I live). As they say: Winter is coming. Taking pictures can be overdone, and I’m as guilty of that as anyone. It’s far too easy to get so caught up in capturing the shot that you sort of miss the moment.
But the flip side of that is true, as well; taking photos can be a great tool for staying engaged with the moment, for connecting to the joy that abounds in the simplest and most everyday acts. They surround us every day, and we have to remind ourselves, again and again, to open our eyes.
(For the month of October 2017, I have participated in the 31 Days bloggers’ challenge. You can find out about it here, and check out the interesting work other bloggers have posted.)