Recently I have been using only my 50 mm lens and it has brought about a significant change in how I take photos. Yes, I’m loving my nifty fifty! Two weeks ago when my trusty zoom lens bit the dust, I put on my seldom used 50 mm lens. It’s the only other lens I own, so the decision was out of necessity. See the blog post: Getting back to the 50 mm lens.
I was expecting it to be a compromise–I would use the lens for a few days, then buy another zoom lens. But the more I used the nifty fifty, the more I grew to love it. At first everything seemed too tight (I’m more used to the range of vision of a 35mm lens). I was presented with a narrower view and had to make the best with how to frame it. Then it became a challenge. I got used to how far I had to be away from a subject or scene to get optimal framing. It started to feel natural. Also, the lens is sharper than the zoom.
As there is no zoom to contend with, I can take photos more quickly and efficiently. In short, it’s a liberating experience. I notice different things and see the world in a new way. It takes me back to my days in Toronto doing street photography with a Rollei 35–a tiny camera with a fixed 40 mm lens. One camera, one lens. There’s something to be said for simplicity.
If you have a 50 mm lens that you never use, I urge you to give it a try. You may be surprised at the results. Here are some recent photos taken with the nifty fifty.




