Category: <span>Friday Roundup</span>

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Barber Shop, Toronto, 1981                                                  © Avard Woolaver                                                                                               

Friday roundup, June 9, 2017. Here are some news stories that caught my eye, and ear, on social media this week: #fbf

Lawnmower man: Canadian cuts lawn as tornado looms – and photo goes viral,

Doublethink and Big Brother: George Orwell’s son talks about 68 years of 1984,

Hanna Kostanski paints photos from the Toronto Archives,

Is it illegal to take a selfie while voting in a polling station?,

The Beatles sing “Revolution”,

David Suzuki: Protecting oceans is paying off,

Foreign Airbnb guests soar 40% in Japan,

Still no word on Annie Leibovitz exhibit in Halifax, 4 years after works donated


Barber shop, Toronto, 1981, is from the Facebook series: Toronto Days


Friday Roundup Photography Social Media

Black and White Blogging Documentary Film Photography Friday Roundup Photography Social Landscape Social Media

Black and White Blogging Documentary Friday Roundup Photography Social Landscape

Black and White Blogging Film Photography Friday Roundup Photography Social Media

Black and White Blogging Documentary Film Photography Friday Roundup New Topographics Photography