Today is the first day of spring. Here in Nova Scotia the vernal equinox will occur a few hours from now at 6:58 pm. Although it hasn’t been a particularly rough winter in this part of the world, there is still an unusually thick layer of frost in the earth (about a meter’s worth). This was caused by a lot of cold weather, and little snow (that usually provides a layer of insulation). In a recent rainstorm my basement flooded with 4 inches ( 10 cm) of water–the drains were frozen and there was nowhere for the water to go. I’m sure this happened to many people in Nova Scotia. I haven’t had the courage to plug in my guitar amp to see if it still works.
Still, spring fills me with optimism. I like to put on Hello Mr. Blue Sky by New Brunswick’s John Campbelljohn and turn up the volume. I can forget all about flooded basements and cold weather, and look forward to fat robins hopping around in my backyard.
And the spring light is great for photography. With Daylight Saving Time starting on March 10, the sun sets at 7:30 pm these days. The golden hour is back and this is a good reason to celebrate. Here are a few recent photos of this wonderful time of year. Happy spring, everyone!





Fab! Vive le printemps!
Indeed, vive le printemps!