Found Fields refers to my approach when taking photos: scenes found in my field of vision. I’ve always been a gatherer rather than a hunter. That is, finding scenes (by chance) rather than intentionally hunting them down. Many of my photos are taken during my daily routine, or just going somewhere. As with many photographers, I’m attracted to the newness of things–going to new places, and seeing new things. But, I’m also attracted to seeing familiar scenes, places that I have photographed many times before. It seems that a particular scene never looks the same way twice.
American photo master Lee Friedlander said it best, “I’m not a premeditative photographer. I see a picture and I make it. You don’t have to go looking for pictures. The material is generous. You go out and the pictures are staring at you.”
There are interesting photo possibilities everywhere. The trick is, always carrying a camera, and taking the time to observe the world around you. Over the years I’ve been refining my vision and technique and am striving for themes and images that have a deeper meaning, (for me, at least.)
I’m currently working on a photo book with the “Found Fields” theme. Stay tuned!






