Tag: <span>reflections</span>

Kensington Market, Toronto, 1983, reflections, street photography, mirror,
Kensington Market, Toronto, 1983 © Avard Woolaver

Reflections create another layer of reality in a photo. It can be like gazing into an alternate world, or listening to the layered sound in a Brian Eno recording.

When I was a boy I would walk around the house looking down into a mirror. The reflections of the ceiling created a whole new space to walk in. Several years later when I first picked up a camera, I was drawn once again to layered images found in mirrors, windows, and water.

This photo was taken in Kensington Market, Toronto, in 1983. I often associate photos with songs and this one brings to mind Reflections by Diana Ross and the Supremes. The way life used to be.

Blogging Photography Toronto