Photos Remind Me of Songs (Day 28 of 31)
Certain photos are so much like certain songs, and often in ways that are personal and probably not apparent to other people. If you’re in need of inspiration in taking photos, my experience has been that this can be one way to find it again.
The relationship may be obvious (a bright cloudless day brings to mind the Electric Light Orchestra’s “Mr. Blue Sky”), but frequently the connection is oblique. A thicket of branches may bring to mind John Coltrane’s “A Love Supreme.” A wave splashing could make you think of Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound; a steady line of trees might remind you of the beat of a Chuck Berry song.
Another aspect of the music/photography pairing, for me, is that there’s often music going on in my head when I’m taking photos; I’ve found that often plays into the kinds of shots I take. A photograph can seem staccato, or dreamy, or lush and sweeping.
Music and photography have so much in common and share so many of the same attributes: repetition, rhythm, texture, form. It’s a fun challenge to try to reproduce what you hear using what’s in front of you visually, and it strengthens our creative muscles to when we experiment in these ways.
(For the month of October 2017, I’m participating in the 31 Days bloggers’ challenge. You can find out about it here, and check out the interesting work other bloggers are posting.)