You Can Always Make a Note and Wait Till Next year (Day 27 of 31)
Some photos are dependent on the rhythm of the year and the movement of the sun, and sometimes you have to wait until the next year to get the shot you want.
For example, one photo I’ve taken again and again through the years is when the sun is overhead and shining on wet pavement. It’s that hard light that makes the road look white. (Over time I’ve learned where I might be able to take one of these photos in different places near where I live. In winter, for instance, it’s King Street in a town nearby.) To get a photo that looks the way I want, I have to be in the right place at the right time of year.
Some of these pictures you’re going to miss more often than you get them. With my wet-road pictures, rain, or road salt, is the critical factor, and the sun has to be out while the pavement is still wet. Like the ancient worshippers at Stonehenge, sometimes you’ll have weather that disappoints you; other times you’ll be working, or out of town, or at a child’s holiday concert. The best we can do at those times is make a note—actually write it on your upcoming calendar, so you’ll remember—and wait until next year.
(For the month of October 2017, I’m participating in the 31 Days bloggers’ challenge. You can find out about it here, and check out the interesting work other bloggers are posting.)